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Lichen planopilaris - after treatment

Lichen planopilaris is a type of scarring hair loss  (sometimes called cicatricial alopecia) which has the potential to lead to permanent hair loss.  Patients receiving treatment have a scalp appearance that looks different than patients not yet on treatment.

The classic features of LPP are difficult to notice in this photo from a patient currently on treatment. Features are much easier to see if a patient has not yet started treatment. 

What features are still present? Well, there are many single isolated hairs (rather than hairs in groups of 2 and 3). The hair follicle openings are difficult to make out with certainty which is often a clue to the presence of scarring. In addition, there is a degree of redness around hair follicles.

This article was written by Dr. Jeff Donovan, a Canadian and US board certified dermatologist specializing exclusively in hair loss.

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